benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Some wildlife from the highway to the trailhead
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben just above the trailhead
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Our destination is head on the left
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Some commentary early in the hike
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Early views
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben at the fun scramble section
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Morning light mid-mountain
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Larry at the fun scramble section
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben takes a break in sunshine
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Here comes ben
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben on the trail up
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben on the trail
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Larry heads up the hill
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - An extreme zoom shot showing the Lower Kananaskis Lake
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - A Columbian Ground Squirrel checks us out
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben on the steep slopes below the final col
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Half-way there!
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Views south down to the Kananaskis Lakes in the distance
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben on the final push to the col
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - The summit, just a hundred metres elevation above us now comes into view
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Just a bit more to go
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Larry crosses the col towards the summit
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Ben arrives at the summit, Larry does a short video pano
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Views south from the summit
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Views north from the summit
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Gray-crowned Rosy Finch 1
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - The final push to the summit
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Gray-crowned Rosy Finch 2
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Summit just the facts
benlarhome: Grizzly Peak Hike - Summit Selfie