benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - We summitted 5 of the peaks in the picture in one day!
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - We didn't bring bikes, so we had to hike...
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - The main use for Canyon Creek Valley is extracting the gas
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A flaring stack at a processing facility in Canyon Creek Valley
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben on the road to today's mountains
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A Least Chipmunk nibbles on a dandelion bud
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A roadside marmot watches us pass
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A memorial to a local pioneer of rock climbing
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - The Canyon Creek area has been quite popular with rock climbers
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry with the day's summit #1 on the right and summit #5 in the background
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A marmot returning to its den scoots ahead of Larry
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Some Jacob's Ladder
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Delicate little mushrooms
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben early on the ascent of summit #1, the Rockies in the background
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry on the ascent of summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben on the scree below summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Approaching the summit #1, summits #2 & #3 come in to view
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry on the scree slope below summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben nearing summit #1
benlarhome: 27 Km, 5 Peak Bushwhack - Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben making his way up to summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - A zoom shot from summit #1 of fellow hikers on the access road
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry above the cliffs of summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben heads towards the true summit of summit #1, with summits #2 and #3 in the background
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry on the ridge of summit #1
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry at the summit #1 cairn, with the route to summit #2 looking a bit tricky from here...
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Selfie from summit #1 (our zinc-based sunscreen makes us look pale)
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Snow patches linger between summits #1 and #2
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Ben tops summit #2
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Selfie from summit #2, with summits #3 and #4 in the background
benlarhome: 27 km, 5 Peak Bushwhack / Scramble to Moose Mountain from Canyon Creek - Larry departs summit #2 heading for summit #3, the tall one in the background