benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Midnight Peak on the right, Midday Peak on the left
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Calypso / Fairy Slippper Orchids
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - People with time on their hands, apparently...
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Just leaving Baldy Pass heading to Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - With Baldy Pass at 500 m's above the trailhead, Midnight Peak beckons, 400 m's of elevation to go
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - A Canada Jay near Baldy Pass
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - The trail gets more interesting...
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - A late spring means more snow still around in June
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - After the snow comes the scree slope, how fun...
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben picking his way through the scree
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Rubble, rubble, toil and trouble, but not a bad way up to Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben working his way up Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Views of Mt Baldy in the midground
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben pauses in the last bit of snow to photograph a visitng raven
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - A view of Midday Peak from Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ravens looking for handouts visit peaks frequented by hikers
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - A trailrunner zooms past us and continues along the ridge
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Other hikers continue along the west ridge of Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Interesting summit register on Midnight Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Larry on the ridge to Midday Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben on the ridge to Midday Peak, Midnight Peak behind him
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Midday Peak ahead
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben on the col between Midnight and Midday Peaks
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Larry nears the summit of Midday Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - The Midday Peak cairn with Midnight Peak in the background
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Extreme zoom shot of other hikers on Midnight Peak, taken from Midday Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Summit Selfie at Midday Peak
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Ben returning to Midnight Peak, Midday Peak in the background
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Midnight Peak selfie
benlarhome: Midday Peak via Midnight Peak Spring Scramble - Purple Saxifrage