benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - We had to park a two hundred meteres from the trailhead
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - The views start to open
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ascending the lower slopes
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben, with views to the south midway
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Alpine vistas
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben ascending the ridge, with the Kananaskis Valley in view
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Looking down on Barrier Lake
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Larry midway
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - The snowy summit comes closer into view
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - A short downclimb mid-mountain
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - The treed mountain in the centre, above Barrier Lake is Prairie View Mountain
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Barrier Lake, with Prairie View Mountain above it, and the prairies to the west
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben on the snowy summit ridge
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Larry approaches the snowy summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - The snowy summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben approaching the snowy summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben at the top
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Larry at the summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Summit facts
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - We follow in their footsteps
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Ben carefully heads down the snowy ridge
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Descending the summit
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Larry
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - The lake is 800 m's below us
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Spot the hiker ahead on the trail
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Larry with the Kananaskis Valley below
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Our summit from the parking area
benlarhome: Mt Baldy (North Peak) Spring Scramble - Just the facts