benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 1
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Point Pelee Nat Park 2
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - Familiar friends as well were to be seen
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 4
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - It's a 1 km boarwalk
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 5
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - some of the marsh plants had just started to sprout
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 6
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - Ben at the Boardwalk
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 7 - Northern Cardinal
benlarhome: Point Pelee Nat Park - Early spring trails
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 8
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 9
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 14
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Point Pelee Nat Park 11
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - Sand and ice near "The Tip of Canada"
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 12
benlarhome: Happy Fenced Friday!
benlarhome: Windsor visit - Point Pelee National Park 13
benlarhome: Point Pelee National Park - A large patch of Snowdrops growing wild - they aren't native to Norther America, howver