benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Highway Sign
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Ben starts out
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - The trail starts here
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Conditions before some track-setting occured
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Mountains in the mist
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Larry at the lake
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Mountains beyond the lake
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Many trails ahead
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Here comes Ben
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - The trails go through a campground with classic picnic shelters
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Dappled light on Crowsnest Mountain
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Tall trees in this forest
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Crowsnest Mountain from across the lake
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Ben with Crowsnest Mountain in the background
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Skiing through a fence
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Ben at a trail juncture
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Bright mountain tops
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - The skies and views improve
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Larry with sunny mountains in the background
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Mosses and lichens growing on the trees
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Once section follows a cutline
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Uphill and around the bend
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Come on Ben, the next section looks like fun!
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - The next hill is a big one!
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Views south
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Long distance views
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Great views and light
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Not all the trails were trackset
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Ben concentrates...
benlarhome: Coleman, AB outing, Allison Lake Cross-country Ski Trails - Immaculently groomed