benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - A welcoming sign
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Are they predicting snow showers now?
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Blue skies started our day!
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Intro video
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - The beautiful and snowy Rocky Mountains
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Ben in the woods
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - But there's a good trail!
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Always happy when the sun is shining!
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Did we mention it was sunny?
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - We followed animal tracks for a while - good thing they knew where we were going!
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Views to the east
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - A friendly Canada Jay came looking for handouts
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Our route took us past this historic cabin near Bolton Bridge
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - The cabin near Bolton Bridge
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - All a man needs is a cabin in the woods!
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Lots of hills to go up and down on
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - A cabin in the woods
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Ben approaches Bolton Bridge
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Sadly, the last 1.5 km to the turn-around point followed a power line
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - We noticed these tracks on the trail. From the size, and that there weren't any human tracks around, it was likely a cougar.
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Ben at our turn-around point at Elk Pass Trailhead
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Elk Pass Trailhead, our turn-around point. We were surprised at how many were out on a Monday
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Larry heading back past the cabin
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Arriving back at Marl Lake
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Heading along the shore of Marl Lake
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Sign, sign, everywhere a sign...
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Views west from Marl Lake
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Ben at Marl Lake
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Views south at Marl Lake
benlarhome: Snowshoe outing in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park - Just the facts