benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben steps into his skis - on the right is trail grooming equipment
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Skiing toward Cascade Mountain
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The trail behinds here
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - A great trail, with Cascade Mountain in the background
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Looking east from near kilometre 1
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben on the trail
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry in some good light
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Passing a section where snow was falling from some trees
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The trail, with some of January's long shadows
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The trail follows a fire road, and much of it is like this
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The frozen Cascade River
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben crosses the Cascade River
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The bridge over the Cascade River
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry wooshes past
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry cross the Cascade River
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Continuing pas the bridge
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Great skies for some of the trip
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben about to be overtaken by a faster fellow skier
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - A divide in the trail
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - A complicated intersection!
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry scouts out the way ahead beyond the Stoney Creek bridge
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben at the Stoney Creek briidge, our turn-around point
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Ben heads back
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - A long trail back
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry demonstrates his skiing in both directions move - see close-up
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The clouds roll in...
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Larry is SO talented!
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - The peaks begin to disappear
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Endless trail
benlarhome: Cascade Valley Cross-country Ski Outing - Interesting sign - sadly, we didn't see any Bison, drifting or otherwise...