benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - The ski area is just ahead a few turns
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Ben climbs the first
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Ben tops the first hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Ben's coming 'round the mountain...
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill -The route to Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Even some flatter sections!
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Larry looks at an odd snow formation in a tree
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Larry at the top of Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Other people's skis at the top of Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Just the facts from the top of Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - View from Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - A frozen-over Lower Kananaskis Lake from Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Our selfie from Blueberry Hill
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Skier with a dollop of icecream above
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - An American Three-toed Woodpecker who wouldn't come out of the bush to pose... :(
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Our 3 km extension of the route to include "Hydroline"
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - The Hydroline extensiion borders on British Columbian's Elk Valley Provincial Park
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - This is the hydroline we followed for a kilometre
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Our route is in the lower left of this map
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Nearly back at the car
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Just the facts, end of route
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Our GPS track on 3D Topo
benlarhome: Cross-country ski outing to Blueberry Hill - Route Profile