benlarhome: Sandy McNabb to Junction Creek Cycle Outing - Yellow wildflower near Junction Creek
benlarhome: Sandy McNabb to Junction Creek Cycle Outing - The payoff! Prairie Crocus / Purple Pasque Flower
benlarhome: Moss Phlox
benlarhome: Cinquefoil
benlarhome: Silverberry flowers
benlarhome: 365-5-119 Buffalo Bean
benlarhome: Unknown shrub in the Sue Higgins Natural Area, Calgary
benlarhome: 365-5-130 Early Blue Violet
benlarhome: Saskatoon Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia)
benlarhome: Bering Chickweed (Cerastium beeringianum)
benlarhome: Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)
benlarhome: Virginia Strawberry / Wild Strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)
benlarhome: Puccoon, Stoneseed, Gromwell (Lithospermum ruderale)
benlarhome: Snow cinquefoil (Potentilla nivea)
benlarhome: Northern Gooseberry (Ribes oxyacanthoides)
benlarhome: Three-flowered avens (Geum triflora), Nose Hill Park
benlarhome: Leafy Musineon (Musineon divaricatum)
benlarhome: 365-5-138 Alpine Forget-me-nots (Myosotis alpestris)
benlarhome: False Solomon's-seal (Smilaccina stellata)
benlarhome: Unknown white flower I.D. TBA
benlarhome: May Wanderings - Lake Newell - Golden Corydalis
benlarhome: May Wanderings - Lake Newell - The Yarrow begins
benlarhome: May Wanderings - Lake Newell - Golden Current - Ribes aureus
benlarhome: May Wanderings - Lake Newell - Yellow-flowered shrub
benlarhome: May Wanderings - Lake Newell - Prunus virginiana, aka Chokecherry
benlarhome: Calla palustris, or bog arum, marsh calla, wild calla, and water-arum
benlarhome: Marsh Marigolds
benlarhome: 365-5-151 Yellow Pond Lily
benlarhome: Western Canada Violet
benlarhome: Red Baneberry