Capt' Gorgeous: big block of gold
Capt' Gorgeous: Pierhead & Senedd
Capt' Gorgeous: cardiff bay
Capt' Gorgeous: waterbus
Capt' Gorgeous: assembly
Capt' Gorgeous: bay rainbow
Capt' Gorgeous: bay evening
Capt' Gorgeous: norwegian church
Capt' Gorgeous: the hotel
Capt' Gorgeous: orange water?
Capt' Gorgeous: twilight
Capt' Gorgeous: red cloud
Capt' Gorgeous: waterfront
Capt' Gorgeous: pierhead
Capt' Gorgeous: night boat
Capt' Gorgeous: fog in the Bay
Capt' Gorgeous: view from the roof
Capt' Gorgeous: Pierhead Building
Capt' Gorgeous: St David's Hotel
Capt' Gorgeous: reflections
Capt' Gorgeous: assembley
Capt' Gorgeous: whiteness
Capt' Gorgeous: waterfront
Capt' Gorgeous: millennium centre