Benja.Wang: Pen & Life (PS)
Benja.Wang: Money, Being alive (PS)
Benja.Wang: GueGue & his Daughter (PS)
Benja.Wang: Gap of the Leaf (PS)
Benja.Wang: Papers & Child's Play~ (PS)
Benja.Wang: Key "X" (PS)
Benja.Wang: An Upside Down World
Benja.Wang: 貔貅 Mythical Wild Animal
Benja.Wang: A Celestial Being in dark night
Benja.Wang: The way to Heaven
Benja.Wang: Mystical Bird, Casting
Benja.Wang: 10 dollar & 1 dollar (II) Lovers!
Benja.Wang: Blue Heart...Ocean Star.
Benja.Wang: Wall, Coffee Cup (PS)
Benja.Wang: 秦 風 ‧ 蒹 葭
Benja.Wang: Plug & Shadow
Benja.Wang: Direction
Benja.Wang: BEEs II
Benja.Wang: Spot Light, light the life (PS)
Benja.Wang: How to walk?
Benja.Wang: Love is a Transmigration (PS)
Benja.Wang: Say THANKS to Water
Benja.Wang: Key for the Door of Hell (PS)
Benja.Wang: BE COOL (PS)
Benja.Wang: Life is just like sailing a boat. 弄扁舟
Benja.Wang: The way full of Happiness & Wish
Benja.Wang: Endless Love .... 心心相印
Benja.Wang: 新年快樂! Happy New Year!