OutFocus: My First Impression - Rome Italy.
OutFocus: Early Morning - Colosseo.
OutFocus: In Peace.
OutFocus: Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele.
OutFocus: LIVE View - P.zza di Spagna.
OutFocus: Going Home.
OutFocus: Lucky Draw From The Crowd.
OutFocus: The Home Of Angels - Vatican.
OutFocus: 360s.
OutFocus: I felt warm in Basilica S. Pietro Vatican.
OutFocus: I met him - Basilica S.Pietro Vatican.
OutFocus: Too many wishes - Fontana de Trevi
OutFocus: Breathing Love - Arco di Tito.
OutFocus: Where can I park?
OutFocus: The World in Depression.
OutFocus: Am I in Love?
OutFocus: Firmly.
OutFocus: Pantheon - Rome.
OutFocus: Cathay Pacific - Coincident.