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Photos de chez moi -Photos from my places by beluga 7
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beluga 7
La nature n'est jamais démodé -Nature never goes out of style
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Photos revisées durant confinement Covid19/Revision of photos during Covid 19 isolation
beluga 7
Quiscale bronzé, Common Grackle ,Quiscalus quiscula,
beluga 7
Chardonneret jaune, American Goldfinch , Carduelis tristis,
beluga 7
Bruant à couronne blanche, White-crowned Sparrow ,Zonotrichia leucophrys,
beluga 7
Cardinal à poitrine rose Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Pheucticus ludovicianus
beluga 7
Cardinal à poitrine rose Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Pheucticus ludovicianus
beluga 7
Vacher à tête brune, Molothrus ater , Brown-headed Cowbird
beluga 7
Junco ardoisé ,Junco hyemalis, Dark-Eyed Junco
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Vacher à tête brune Molothrus ater - Brown-headed Cowbird
beluga 7
Junco ardoisé ,Junco hyemalis, Dark-Eyed Junco
beluga 7
Bruant à gorge blanche, white-throated sparrow,
beluga 7
Le Roselin familier,House finchHaemorhous mexicanus,
beluga 7
Jaie bleu, blue jay
beluga 7
Mésange à tête noire, Chickadee
beluga 7
Roselin familier Haemorhous mexicanus - House Finch,
beluga 7
Roselin familier, Haemorhous mexicanus ,House Finch,
beluga 7
Moqueur roux Brown thrasher - Toxostoma rufum
beluga 7
beluga 7
Fleur de ciboulette , chive flower
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