beluga 7: Winter Light
beluga 7: 12 ;01PM at Vernazza
beluga 7: Florence/ Firenze
beluga 7: On my way to work / Vers le travail 2008-10-11
beluga 7: Floral Poem
beluga 7: Gatineau
beluga 7: Florence
beluga 7: Toscane / Toscany
beluga 7: Tonight , you are sleeping on the other branch honey
beluga 7: Lonely looking sky
beluga 7: Le Bleu Froid du St Laurent- The cold Blue from the St Laurent River
beluga 7: To you , for all your visits and comments ......thanks
beluga 7: Big Bang
beluga 7: Agropoli
beluga 7: Floral Ballerina
beluga 7: La pura vida
beluga 7: Bon Dimanche/ Have a nice Sunday
beluga 7: Agropoli , the city
beluga 7: Ave Maria
beluga 7: Iris 4
beluga 7: Great weekend to all of you/BFDS
beluga 7: A creature from an other world
beluga 7: Macro insect 2007 #2
beluga 7: Huatulco/1
beluga 7: Huatulco 7 / Pelican at sun set
beluga 7: Playing with diamonds while waiting for the new year
beluga 7: Day Lily '' Savoie variety''
beluga 7: I,m so tired
beluga 7: Have a nice week end /to my flickr friends
beluga 7: Pink and Green