beluga 7: Macro Stamen #2/Etamine #2
beluga 7: Weevil, Curculiionidae famiy.
beluga 7: Cast of a grasshopper
beluga 7: Iris 4
beluga 7: Macro stamen anther /Macro sur une etamine
beluga 7: Black fly - La mouche noire
beluga 7: IMG_2280
beluga 7: Mon ami poilu / My hairy friend
beluga 7: The Assembly line/ La ligne de montage
beluga 7: Dalia
beluga 7: A creature from an other world
beluga 7: This is my best smile(cicindela sexguttata)
beluga 7: Macro insect 2007 #2
beluga 7: Insect/ Macro #1 The bug who brought terror at my first BBQ 2007
beluga 7: Orchid by dawn light
beluga 7: IMG_0697
beluga 7: IMG_0322-1
beluga 7: IMG_0900
beluga 7: Caterpillar on the side walk
beluga 7: Pink
beluga 7: Meditation
beluga 7: Huatulco /2 Satisfaction
beluga 7: Huatulco -3
beluga 7: Day Lily '' Savoie variety''
beluga 7: Vert/Green
beluga 7: Grasshooper /shadow
beluga 7: IMG_7703
beluga 7: ph-10148
beluga 7: IMG_6480
beluga 7: Horama panthalon/ Moth