beltzner: "Outside there's hectic action / The ice is covering the trees"
beltzner: Sibs.
beltzner: Off she goes
beltzner: First day of summer camp. Notice how she isn't looking back.
beltzner: Pretty darned blessed, all things considered.
beltzner: Evacuate the dance floor
beltzner: At Sportball, hanging with a friend
beltzner: My heart.
beltzner: Like a boss.
beltzner: Mother and chilluns
beltzner: Kickoff
beltzner: Close...
beltzner: Serious work afoot
beltzner: Peekaboo #nofilter
beltzner: Grandmaster M, chillin' and presumably illin' with @craigwilliamrobertson
beltzner: The virtual family (YYZ & Home)
beltzner: Put me in, coach!
beltzner: Cuddlez
beltzner: Om nom nom
beltzner: The better way
beltzner: 1200 Broadway, across from Stumptown
beltzner: Watching TBL @ OTT with Daddy
beltzner: 'ssup?
beltzner: Stylin' in the late winter rain:
beltzner: International Women's Day, as celebrated by a 2 year old:
beltzner: Happy baby, company onsie
beltzner: Wat.
beltzner: "Mommy loves me" / "Daddy's big guy" (equal opportunity 6mo clothing on our 8wk baby)
beltzner: Chillin' with the dog
beltzner: Snow day!