belmontvisionphotos: Joe Mankowski raps for the audience
belmontvisionphotos: Jake Botts adds some magic-marker chest hair to impress the girls.
belmontvisionphotos: Michael Pfohl shows off his talents as a masseuse
belmontvisionphotos: Caleb Cunningham brings an actual puppy on-stage for his act and gets a bid of $105.
belmontvisionphotos: The audience members cheer on their favorite Pembros
belmontvisionphotos: J.T. Faircloth performs an original rap
belmontvisionphotos: Jordan Ruiz serenades the crowd with a Spanish version of "A Whole New World", earning himself a bid of $75
belmontvisionphotos: Christian St. Clair identifies differences between guys and girls, and he walked away with a bid of $80
belmontvisionphotos: Joel Graham sang his way into the hearts of the ladies (and their wallets, as he sold for $300)
belmontvisionphotos: Jordan Johnson read poetry to impress the bidders