Love @ll: A view from below.
Love @ll: "Hai Ana!" *waves*
Love @ll: "Please don't run away."
Love @ll: All in!
Love @ll: "Hai Petko!" *waves*
Love @ll: Socratic method.
Love @ll: Meeting of the minds.
Love @ll: Reach for the supermoon!
Love @ll: Bonjour Monsieur Chardy.
Love @ll: Leather! Keep in touch!
Love @ll: Wise Killer.
Love @ll: "Frankie say relax."
Love @ll: "Trust your stroke, Ana-san."
Love @ll: Petkorazzi!
Love @ll: You're welcome, boys.
Love @ll: "What? Isn't this a normal routine in your day?"
Love @ll: Oh, dorky Ana. You're the bestest.
Love @ll: "...and he keeps telling me to listen to Avril!"
Love @ll: "I was finally, like, dude you need to stop."
Love @ll: "He's way too tall. I don't think he can hear me from up there."
Love @ll: "Don't look directly at her! Oh wait..."
Love @ll: "Guten tag, Andrea." *waves*
Love @ll: Let's do the Petko dance!
Love @ll: "Vera, is that you?"
Love @ll: "Ana, come out, come out, wherever you are."
Love @ll: "Hey, why you cry?"
Love @ll: Please don't be sad, Ana.
Love @ll: It's okay, Ana.
Love @ll: Ana stink eye? Hee, hee.
Love @ll: Who wants a kiss from Ana?