Love @ll: Cutie patooties.
Love @ll: Go Adidas!
Love @ll: Smilez!
Love @ll: 'Gulp'
Love @ll: Here, let me grab your hand...I mean, handle.
Love @ll: Can I help you with that? Please?
Love @ll: You get a gold star for 'Sigh'
Love @ll: You're welcome, people. You're welcome.
Love @ll: Go Ana!
Love @ll: Ajde, muthaf**kers! AJ. DE.
Love @ll: Everything she does is magic.
Love @ll: Um, is that a new yoga move?
Love @ll: Ana playing aggresseev.
Love @ll: Power shot!
Love @ll: Fist pump!
Love @ll: Good to see ya.
Love @ll: Do you want to check out Outback Steakhouse?
Love @ll: Everyone say "vegemite"!
Love @ll: Are those guns considered duty free?
Love @ll: I want her watch.
Love @ll: Dinara's bag check.
Love @ll: I come in peace...and I have some chocolate cake for you.
Love @ll: Dinara, tell me who was mean to you and I will take care of it. I promise!
Love @ll: Excuse me! Would you mind giving me your number? It's for a friend.
Love @ll: Sergey can't stop staring.
Love @ll: Shhh, genius at work.
Love @ll: 976-SEXY? Got it.
Love @ll: Do you happen to have a Twitter account too?
Love @ll: Updating Twitter?
Love @ll: Did Vera lose her towel?