bellawaves: 1| ...
bellawaves: 2| Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!"
bellawaves: 3| I have my mother's hands
bellawaves: 4| Bokeh out my window
bellawaves: 5| ...
bellawaves: 6| Laaaaazy Sunday
bellawaves: 7| On a Monday
bellawaves: 8| Must be nice
bellawaves: 9| Still sportin' the maternity wear
bellawaves: ten| Something still exists as long as there's someone around to remember it
bellawaves: eleven| Love her
bellawaves: twelve| Frame this
bellawaves: thirteen| Her clothes
bellawaves: fourteen| There is no one alive who is Youer than You
bellawaves: fifteen| Sitting there in your pajamas & all the time in the world & if I could keep any moment it would be this: watching you & holding my breath with the wonder of it all
bellawaves: sixteen| Above the rest
bellawaves: seventeen| <3
bellawaves: eighteen| Another blue <3
bellawaves: nineteen| Sunshine
bellawaves: twenty| gathering up bits of the world & setting them out in an order that her children can understand
bellawaves: twenty1| So tired
bellawaves: twenty2| I like 'em chunky
bellawaves: twenty3| Storm's a brewin'
bellawaves: twenty4| A love for the sea
bellawaves: twenty5| S.Pellegrino
bellawaves: twenty6| Smiley
bellawaves: twenty7| Wiiiiine
bellawaves: twenty8| If I love you with all my heart, she said, what will you give me? & then she stopped & said I didn't have to answer that because she was going to do it anyway
bellawaves: twenty9| Cup O' Joe
bellawaves: thirty| I see you