Nature as Art Photography:
"Wood ear" Auricularia Fuscosuccinea
Nature as Art Photography:
"Chicken of the Woods" Laetiporus Sulphureus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Woolly milkcap" Lactarius torminosus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Bloody Brittlegill" Russula sanguinea
Nature as Art Photography:
"False turkey-tail" Stereum ostrea
Nature as Art Photography:
"Sulfur tuft" Hypholoma fasciculare
Nature as Art Photography:
"Milk-white toothed polypore" Irpex lacteus
Nature as Art Photography:
"False death cap" Amanita citrina
Nature as Art Photography:
"Conifercone cap" Baeospora myosura
Nature as Art Photography:
"Lilac bonnet" Mycena pura
Nature as Art Photography:
"Orange mycena" Mycena leaiana
Nature as Art Photography:
"Pearl oyster" Pleurotus ostreatus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Smooth chanterelle" Cantharellus lateritius
Nature as Art Photography:
"Beefsteak fungus" Fistulina hepatica
Nature as Art Photography:
"Bloody polypore" Pycnoporus sanguineus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Yellow patches" Amanita flavoconia
Nature as Art Photography:
"False turkey tail" Stereum hirsutum
Nature as Art Photography:
"Winter russula" Russula cremoricolor
Nature as Art Photography:
"The sickener" Russula emetica
Nature as Art Photography:
"The sickener" Russula emetica
Nature as Art Photography:
"Bloody polypore" Pycnoporus sanguineus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Green-cracking russula" Russula virescens
Nature as Art Photography:
"Chicken of the woods" Laetiporus sulphureus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Coral-pink merulius" Byssomerulius incarnatus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Eastern north american destroying angel" Amanita bisporigera
Nature as Art Photography:
"Golden trumpet" Xeromphalina campanella
Nature as Art Photography:
"White cheese polypore" Tyromyces chioneus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Violet-toothed polypore" Trichaptum biforme
Nature as Art Photography:
"Crown coral" Artomyces pyxidatus
Nature as Art Photography:
"Pearl oyster" Pleurotus ostreatus