Nature as Art Photography:
The Wetlands
Nature as Art Photography:
Sanderlings in the Surf
Nature as Art Photography:
Over the marsh
Nature as Art Photography:
Sanderlings in the Surf
Nature as Art Photography:
Sanderlings in the Surf
Nature as Art Photography:
Red Fox Kits
Nature as Art Photography:
Sunrise at Bombay Hook NWR
Nature as Art Photography:
Sunrise at Bombay Hook NWR
Nature as Art Photography:
Tundra Swans
Nature as Art Photography:
Snow Geese
Nature as Art Photography:
American Avocets w/ solitary Greater yellowlegs
Nature as Art Photography:
Sunrise at Bombay Hook NWR
Nature as Art Photography:
Clapper Rail
Nature as Art Photography:
Snowy Owl
Nature as Art Photography:
Snow Geese
Nature as Art Photography:
Great Blue Heron - Juvenile
Nature as Art Photography:
Barred Owl
Nature as Art Photography:
Summer Tanager
Nature as Art Photography:
Ruby throated hummingbird
Nature as Art Photography:
Dutchman's Breeches
Nature as Art Photography:
Virginia Bluebells
Nature as Art Photography:
Canada warbler
Nature as Art Photography:
Chestnut sided warbler
Nature as Art Photography:
Yellow-rumped warbler
Nature as Art Photography:
Nature as Art Photography:
Black throated blue warbler
Nature as Art Photography:
Cape May Warbler
Nature as Art Photography:
Swamp sparrow
Nature as Art Photography:
Scarlet tanager
Nature as Art Photography:
Black throated blue warbler - female