Peanuts_Photography: Rock & ocean
Peanuts_Photography: Bell Island Lighthouse
Peanuts_Photography: View of Fort Amherst from Signal Hill, Nfld
Peanuts_Photography: View from the top of George Cove Mountain
Peanuts_Photography: George Cove Mountain ~ Holyrood, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Old truck in yard ~ Portugal Cove, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Piece of Bell Island
Peanuts_Photography: Inside Mallard Cottage Antiques Shoppe~ Quidi Vidi, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Cove off the dirt road to Quidi Vidi
Peanuts_Photography: Waves on beach
Peanuts_Photography: Portugal Cove, NL
Peanuts_Photography: My dad & St. John's Harbour
Peanuts_Photography: Me and my dad hiking to the top of the mountain!
Peanuts_Photography: Fireplace at Mallard Cottage Antiques
Peanuts_Photography: Mallard Cottage Antiques/Gift Shop
Peanuts_Photography: Quidi Vidi, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Window at Mallard Cottage
Peanuts_Photography: The Narrows
Peanuts_Photography: Stairs to the ocean
Peanuts_Photography: Off roading along the Bell Island coastline
Peanuts_Photography: My version of paradise
Peanuts_Photography: A view worth stopping to appreciate
Peanuts_Photography: On the way to the happiest place on earth!
Peanuts_Photography: Signal Hill ~ St. John's, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Signal Hill~ St. John's, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Colourful houses~ St. John's, NL
Peanuts_Photography: This Rock Rocks
Peanuts_Photography: Bell Island, NL
Peanuts_Photography: Newfoundland and Labrador
Peanuts_Photography: Bell Island in the sunset