belkismc: Condensation
belkismc: Feuille morte -dead leaf (leaves)
belkismc: Between two worlds
belkismc: Holding on
belkismc: We're still here
belkismc: Chasing autumn
belkismc: A touch of autumn
belkismc: November - month of naked trees.
belkismc: Inexplicable attraction
belkismc: The secret door, chasing green!
belkismc: Chasing the last few green leaves
belkismc: First snow
belkismc: The path - fallen autumn leaves!
belkismc: Searching for green
belkismc: Simple pleasures
belkismc: Dancing in the wind - Condensation
belkismc: Condensation-wild berries
belkismc: Wild berries
belkismc: Splendor ......
belkismc: "The light above us"
belkismc: Monochrome leaves
belkismc: The chosen one
belkismc: Autumn leaves
belkismc: Spectacle of colors
belkismc: Amazing colors .....
belkismc: The beauty of autumn
belkismc: Foliage .... vivid colors
belkismc: Autumn colors...
belkismc: "October is a symphony of permanence and change". - Bonaro W. Overstreet
belkismc: Autumn colors