bsummy: The Acropolis from down below
bsummy: Information about the Theatre of Dionysos
bsummy: The Theatre of Dionysos
bsummy: The left hand side of the Theatre of Dionysos
bsummy: The right hand side of the Theatre of Dionysos
bsummy: Looking down from the remaining seats at the Theatre of Dionysos
bsummy: Lunch at the Acropolis
bsummy: A self portrait at the Theatre after lunch!
bsummy: Information about the Stoa of Eumenes
bsummy: The Stoa of Eumenes
bsummy: Scaffolding on the Stoa of Eumenes
bsummy: Seating at The Odeum of Herodes
bsummy: A waterproofed orchestra pit
bsummy: Arches at The Odeum of Herodes
bsummy: Looking down on The Odeum of Herodes
bsummy: Belinda standing in front of the Odeum of Herodes
bsummy: A sea of white houses in Athens
bsummy: Information about the Temple of Athena Nike
bsummy: The Temple of Athena Nike
bsummy: The Temple of Athena Nike 2
bsummy: Columns of the Temple of Athena Nike
bsummy: Looking down over more remains in Athens from the Acropolis
bsummy: Information about the Parthenon
bsummy: Equipment used in the restoration of the Acropolis
bsummy: Scaffolding on the Parthenon
bsummy: Scaffolding on the Parthenon 2
bsummy: The striking columns of the Parthenon
bsummy: The Parthenon
bsummy: The Parthenon 2
bsummy: Columns of the Parthenon