bsummy: The Barbican
bsummy: The main entrance to the Barbican
bsummy: The Barbican from a distance
bsummy: One of the main ring roads in Krakow
bsummy: Tram lines in Krakow
bsummy: One of the entrances to the Barbican
bsummy: A door to the Barbican
bsummy: Tourist signs in Krakow
bsummy: An interesting building in Krakow
bsummy: A pedestrian strip leading to the Main Square
bsummy: St. Mary's Church in the distance
bsummy: A statue in the Main Square
bsummy: A statue in the Main Square front on
bsummy: St. Mary's Church and the church of St. Adalbert
bsummy: St. Mary's Church
bsummy: The Town Hall Tower in the Main Square of Krakow
bsummy: The Town Hall Tower in Krakow
bsummy: Another view of the Town Hall Tower
bsummy: The Town Hall Tower
bsummy: Looking up the steep set of stairs inside the Town Hall Tower
bsummy: The view over the Main Square from the top of the Town Hall Tower
bsummy: The view over Krakow from the top of the Tower
bsummy: The view of St. Mary's Church from the top of the Tower
bsummy: St. Mary's Church as seen from the Town Hall Tower
bsummy: I am standing at the top of this staircase looking down!
bsummy: One of the entrances to the Cloth Hall
bsummy: The other end of the Cloth Hall
bsummy: The Cloth Hall
bsummy: Artwork in the Main Square in Krakow
bsummy: The mask from a different angle