bsummy: The view over the balcony from Simona's holiday house in the mountains in Pacentro
bsummy: What a magnificent view!
bsummy: Snow on the mountains near Pacentro
bsummy: Completing the panorama over the balcony!
bsummy: A cherry blossom near the house
bsummy: Trying to be artistic!
bsummy: The clock tower in Pacentro
bsummy: A bridge in the distance
bsummy: The landscape surrounding Pacentro
bsummy: Windmills on the hill
bsummy: The clock tower and the town of Pacentro
bsummy: Pacentro is best known for being the village of origin of Maddona's family
bsummy: Looking up the road from the house
bsummy: The houses are set right on the road
bsummy: The towers of the old castle
bsummy: This building is two separate houses yet is interconnected internally
bsummy: Simona outside her house
bsummy: A three wheeler
bsummy: A packed three wheeler
bsummy: Snow capped mountains in Pacentro
bsummy: Lacee trying to tame a local dog
bsummy: Coming...
bsummy: Closer...
bsummy: Contact!
bsummy: The castle from a distance
bsummy: The twin towers of the castle are a striking feature of the town
bsummy: The castle overlooks the town
bsummy: It is a medieval village that has been elected by a committee one of the most beautiful villages in Italy
bsummy: Pacentro is a comune of the province of L'Aquila in Abruzzo, Italy
bsummy: Lacee with Pacentro in the background