bsummy: Ted and Floss
bsummy: Dorothea MacKellar used to live at Torryburn
bsummy: The house
bsummy: Somewhere to think
bsummy: Front garden
bsummy: Floss
bsummy: Another garden
bsummy: More garden
bsummy: Tans the horse whisperer
bsummy: Tans and her friend
bsummy: Lee with the horses
bsummy: When are we eating next?
bsummy: They are finished talking
bsummy: Tans having a chat
bsummy: Floss
bsummy: Sleep time for some
bsummy: More horses
bsummy: Horses on the farm
bsummy: What are you looking at?
bsummy: Bonding time
bsummy: Up close for a look
bsummy: Horses with their young
bsummy: The thinking tree
bsummy: Somewhere to marry?
bsummy: Lee and Ted
bsummy: Another garden shot
bsummy: The end of the garden
bsummy: Inside the secret garden
bsummy: Another garden
bsummy: A nice looking hedge