bsummy: Riding switch
bsummy: Cutting out to bunny hop
bsummy: Safe landing from a jump
bsummy: Getting outside the wake
bsummy: Cutting out to bunny hop
bsummy: Getting up right foot first
bsummy: Slow and steady
bsummy: Another graceful exit
bsummy: Losing tension on the rope
bsummy: Having fun in the sun
bsummy: Getting out to jump
bsummy: I let go before I face planted!
bsummy: Safe landing
bsummy: Getting out ready to jump
bsummy: Nice and easy
bsummy: Believe it or not I am not about to fall over!
bsummy: Great water conditions
bsummy: My favourite wakeboarding shot so far!
bsummy: Easy does it!
bsummy: Riding switch and looking down!
bsummy: Attempting to change direction
bsummy: Back to normal direction
bsummy: Riding switch
bsummy: Halfway through changing direction
bsummy: 1st day out on my own board