Foto John: Shaggy Inkcap (Coprinus comatus)
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 image 5
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 image 1
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 image 2
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 image 6
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 image 4
Foto John: Forest Fungi at De Haan 20/11/05 Collared Earthstar
Foto John: Fungi in the woods
Foto John: Forest fungi in De Haan 20/11/05 image 7
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image1
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 2
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 3
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 4
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 6
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 7
Foto John: Forest fungi at De Haan 26/11/05 image 5
Foto John: PB270068
Foto John: PB270064
Foto John: PB270044
Foto John: PB270074
Foto John: PB270056
Foto John: PB270008
Foto John: Earthstar
Foto John: Fungi in My Parents Garden
Foto John: Acororyne sarcoides (I Think)
Foto John: Fungi
Foto John: ...... Fungi With Ramaria stricta on Right
Foto John: Hypholoma fasciculare
Foto John: Fly Agaric
Foto John: Fly Agaric in The Field