Kaspar C: I take no credit for this photo. Photographer unknown. Lower Broad Street-Bridgetown- around 1965
Kaspar C: Bridgetown Barbados -1965
Kaspar C: Bridgetown Barbados - 1965
Kaspar C: Bridgetown-1965
Kaspar C: Bridgetown Around 1965-Inter-island Schooner at the outer Careenage ,Wharf Road
Kaspar C: DSCN2295-Cannon collection, The Garrison Barbados.
Kaspar C: DSCN2294- The Garrison Bridgetown BARBADOS.
Kaspar C: DSCN2300-Changing of the guard-Garrison Barbados
Kaspar C: DSCN2296-Cannon collection,The Garrison Barbados
Kaspar C: DSCN2300-Changing of the guard-Garrison Barbados
Kaspar C: DSC03320-Old sugar factory -Bath St John Barbados
Kaspar C: DSCN0254-The Changing face of Roebuck Street Bridgetown. What was Linton's Garage-Roebuck Street
Kaspar C: DSCN0256-The Changing face of Roebuck Street -Bridgetown .What was ACME Engineering Works Roebuck Street-Bridgetown
Kaspar C: DSCN0222-What used to be Fix-It-Right Garage & Parts Department
Kaspar C: DSCN0182- Another kind of Service-Old Detco Motors Workshop.
Kaspar C: P2200045-Barbados old Water Works meter shed
Kaspar C: P2200055-Old British Army Fusiliers' Cookhouse- Gun Hill Signal Station Barbados
Kaspar C: P9010006-Old Sugar mill wall