bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 31 - toothbrush] Forgot this one! Liam's adorable toothbrush. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 30 - calm] This is as calm as my classroom gets! ;D #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 29 - last thing you bought] Vintage red saddle shoes. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 27 - cup] Cup...or shoe? #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 26 - sunshine] #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 25 - heart] Made from Liam's stethoscope, appropriately enough. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 24 - a stranger] #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 23 - mirror] I found this pretty vintage mirror while thrifting last month. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 22 - upside down] I normally store my mugs right side up, but my mom washed dishes when she visited. I'm not going to complain.
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 21 - 9 o'clock] Cruisin'. :D #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 20 - eyes] #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 19 - animal/insect/pet] Miss Lola. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 18 - plate] One of Liam's favorite plates. Mommy's a sucker for robots. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 17 - your addiction] Coffee. Black coffee. #photoadayjuly_bekkabesa
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 16 - sign] Small car only. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 15 - fingers] forgot to share this yesterday. Liam's little fingers tucked under his belly at naptime. Yes, he still sleeps with his butt in the air. :) #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 14 - building] The shed in our backyard. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 13 - open] Fortunately, we don't keep anything in our back pasture, so the gate stays open. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 12 - texture] Liam's new (to him) moccasins. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 11 - letter] "Letter B, letter B, letter B, letter B...Bless the buh buh sound of letter B." :) #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 10 - favorite color] Yellow. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 9 - big] in, when did this little man get so big?! #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 8 - lunch] More specifically, leftovers from lunch. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 6 - chair] A lovely battered chair I came across today. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 4 - fun] His first trip to Ikea...he kept saying hi to everyone. And it was crowded! :) #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: #photoadayjuly [day 3 - best part of your day] Looking for birds ("burrrr" in Liam-speak), and enjoying my morning coffee. #photoadayjuly_bekkabess
bekkabess: From a high angle
bekkabess: Imperfect
bekkabess: July 1 - self portrait
bekkabess: July 2 - busy