Bekathwia: Elly Jackson La Roux Halloween costume
Bekathwia: Mondrian jacket
Bekathwia: Remove pockets
Bekathwia: Trace pocket
Bekathwia: Square off pocket pattern
Bekathwia: Cut pockets from colored fabric
Bekathwia: Breast pockets are square
Bekathwia: Iron pockets
Bekathwia: Cut binding
Bekathwia: Lots of binding
Bekathwia: Iron binding
Bekathwia: Pin binding to pockets
Bekathwia: Pockets
Bekathwia: See how the collar's not straight?
Bekathwia: Open it up with a seam ripper
Bekathwia: Cut off extra and iron
Bekathwia: Pin new straight collar
Bekathwia: Mondrian jacket
Bekathwia: Square off the corners with binding
Bekathwia: Mondrian jacket
Bekathwia: fudging the corners
Bekathwia: pinned collar
Bekathwia: bobbin
Bekathwia: pinned sleeve
Bekathwia: JH
Bekathwia: mondrian jacket in progress
Bekathwia: La Roux costume - back
Bekathwia: La Roux Laser Cameo
Bekathwia: La Roux costume - laser cameo
Bekathwia: La Roux costume