Bekathwia: with Angela Sheehan
Bekathwia: Maker Faire Bay Area 2010
Bekathwia: Nat and me <3
Bekathwia: Maker Faire Bay Area 2010
Bekathwia: Maker Faire Bay Area 2010
Bekathwia: Sew a Drawstring Bike Seat Cover
Bekathwia: Me and Nathan
Bekathwia: Fabric Horse bike utility belt
Bekathwia: haircut today!
Bekathwia: Today's outfit, now with 40% more roboknee
Bekathwia: Pillow chair from t-shirts
Bekathwia: Bike Tube Headband
Bekathwia: Bike Tube Headband
Bekathwia: new knee brace and headband
Bekathwia: <3
Bekathwia: Emission Spectrum Scarf (Lithium)
Bekathwia: Reversible cables scarf
Bekathwia: EL wire plus openheart
Bekathwia: Headshot for conference
Bekathwia: SANY0310
Bekathwia: Math museum
Bekathwia: Hair grown out a little
Bekathwia: me at a river
Bekathwia: Me and my Makerbot
Bekathwia: Me on the Oregon beach
Bekathwia: Me with my bag
Bekathwia: First sunburn of the season
Bekathwia: Me and Alex in Oregon wine country
Bekathwia: me and Alex
Bekathwia: New Glasses