~ bex ~: Multimedia message
~ bex ~: Multimedia message
~ bex ~: Multimedia message
~ bex ~: Multimedia message
~ bex ~: Multimedia message
~ bex ~: enjoying a drink
~ bex ~: enjoying a drink
~ bex ~: goldfish crackers
~ bex ~: no smoking
~ bex ~: chocolate covered strawberries
~ bex ~: our room
~ bex ~: on our balcony
~ bex ~: gin menu
~ bex ~: flower lights
~ bex ~: making a sandwich
~ bex ~: gin & tonic
~ bex ~: cosmopolitan
~ bex ~: getting their photos taken
~ bex ~: formal night
~ bex ~: guitar player
~ bex ~: me & todd
~ bex ~: smoking a cigar
~ bex ~: smoking a cigar
~ bex ~: View of Jamaica from our balcony
~ bex ~: by the pool
~ bex ~: mark's sunglasses/my reflection
~ bex ~: view of jamaica from our balcony
~ bex ~: foggy lenses are cool
~ bex ~: mark outside
~ bex ~: statue on the stairs