Russ Beinder: Nugget clears the thorns
Russ Beinder: Nora still has some spring in her
Russ Beinder: Nugget got in a bit too close
Russ Beinder: Sherman strikes a pose
Russ Beinder: Nugget hasn't figured out the posing thing yet
Russ Beinder: Flying Nugget
Russ Beinder: Nugget... always looking
Russ Beinder: Dogs don't belong on the table
Russ Beinder: "My very first stick."
Russ Beinder: "Nora! Don't drown your little brother"
Russ Beinder: "You mean THAT is how I have to dry off?"
Russ Beinder: "I could get used to this swimming thing."
Russ Beinder: Nugget gets his first shot of water
Russ Beinder: Enjoying the sunset
Russ Beinder: "Hello little boy, I'm a puppy"
Russ Beinder: In the weeds
Russ Beinder: "I wonder what sort of trouble I can get into."
Russ Beinder: Puppitude
Russ Beinder: Window cleaning
Russ Beinder: Puppy pads
Russ Beinder: "All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up."
Russ Beinder: Women and puppies
Russ Beinder: Too much puppying around for me
Russ Beinder: Fresh puppy
Russ Beinder: 20180515-00-011
Russ Beinder: Chasing big brother
Russ Beinder: Unmatched play
Russ Beinder: "Look ma... no feet"
Russ Beinder: The Rodney factor