carf: September Theatrical...
carf: September Theatrical...
carf: In search of an unknown island...
carf: Show me the way...
carf: So....where next?
carf: Somewhere...
carf: Whirling winds...
carf: Obstacles approaching…
carf: Follow the sun...
carf: Steady as she sails...
carf: Rest well, my beloved one...
carf: Dreaming of the unknown...
carf: To the unknown...
carf: Prepare ship…
carf: We will succeed...
carf: Land ahoy...
carf: Farewell...
carf: My unknown island...
carf: Happy Monday...
carf: Lucciano Draetta
carf: Vacancies for strong and healthy men...
carf: Oooooaaah!
carf: Who left the taps running...?
carf: D j a a a a a a a a l m a...
carf: Surubim
carf: My healhy ballerina...
carf: Moooouuaahh!
carf: Preserve the child in me...
carf: Magical dreams...
carf: Blue dreams...