carf: Once upon a time...
carf: Let it all out...
carf: Be happy...!
carf: Ahhhh! Now that’s better...
carf: Come closer...
carf: Look into our world...
carf: Many eyes...
carf: So, so many eyes...
carf: Waking up...
carf: Yes! Wake up Everton!
carf: Wake up Julia!
carf: Wake up Matheus!
carf: Wake up Dayane!
carf: Wake up Débora and Linda!
carf: Hey there! Wake up Gabriel!
carf: Psst! Wake up Engred!
carf: Wake up Borboletinha!
carf: Magical moments...
carf: A glimse of truth...
carf: Come out and play...
carf: In clown mode...
carf: Hope in the face of hopelessness...
carf: Borboletinha...
carf: Butterfly has woken...
carf: Pussycat, pussycat...!
carf: I’m just a pretty doll...
carf: Winnie the Pooh...?
carf: As firm as they come...
carf: Who ugly duckling?
carf: Never a dull moment...