BehzadJL: A young monk runs down the stairs with his cat.
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BehzadJL: Landscapes of ice and fire.
BehzadJL: A shepherd helps a kid drink milk.
BehzadJL: The fascinating landscape of Tso Kar
BehzadJL: Goats. Ice. Big Sky.
BehzadJL: Changpa shepherds keep a watchful gaze on their herds of Pashmina and sheep
BehzadJL: New born Pashmina
BehzadJL: Pashmina goats by Tso Kar
BehzadJL: Changpa Nomad rocks his shades.
BehzadJL: Going where there are no roads. Tso Kar.
BehzadJL: Galloping Kiang by Tso Kar
BehzadJL: Tibetan Wild Ass, or Kiang, can be found in the hundreds around Tso Kar lake
BehzadJL: Horses graze on the Puga pasturelands
BehzadJL: The patriatch chants Buddhist hymns while the food is prepared.
BehzadJL: Dinner time inside a Changpa tent.
BehzadJL: A Changpa Nomad feeds his goats
BehzadJL: A Changpa Nomad feeds his goats
BehzadJL: Three is Company. Changpa Nomads near Korzok.
BehzadJL: Portrait of a Changpa
BehzadJL: Layers of Springtime Thaw at Tso Moriri lake
BehzadJL: Ice. Water. Earth. Tso Moriri Lake, Ladakh
BehzadJL: Layers of Tso Moriri in the process of springtime thaw
BehzadJL: Offroading on a Photo Expedition
BehzadJL: The glacial blue waters of the Indus carve their way through the layers of Trans Himalayan rock
BehzadJL: The Milky Way over Thiksey Monastery
BehzadJL: Thiksey Monastery