Behold How Free: loading the bus
Behold How Free: OBF performs in Portland
Behold How Free: box wine on the bus
Behold How Free: riding back home to Eugene
Behold How Free: concert hall in Portland
Behold How Free: our performance space
Behold How Free: OBF chorus folks
Behold How Free: serious face...
Behold How Free: Helmut Rilling in rehearsal
Behold How Free: the Oregon Bach Festival chorus
Behold How Free: Garrison Keillor and me!
Behold How Free: Garrison Keillor and Philip Brunelle in rehearsal
Behold How Free: The Hult Center (Eugene)
Behold How Free: the stairs
Behold How Free: backstage
Behold How Free: "Baroque" Obama group
Behold How Free: coffee shop
Behold How Free: discovery series
Behold How Free: "Baroque" Obama T-shirt
Behold How Free: Linh and Ingeborg
Behold How Free: Rilling class 1
Behold How Free: Rilling class 2
Behold How Free: singing in a masterclass with Helmuth Rilling
Behold How Free: Linh sings in the masterclass
Behold How Free: Helmuth Rilling masterclass
Behold How Free: soloists for Haydn mass
Behold How Free: OBF orchestra
Behold How Free: Maria conducts
Behold How Free: Ingrid conducts