Behind Kelley'sLens: waiting for dawn
Behind Kelley'sLens: rushing bags
Behind Kelley'sLens: good morning
Behind Kelley'sLens: hoofin it to the beach
Behind Kelley'sLens: carrying the gear
Behind Kelley'sLens: not quite dead
Behind Kelley'sLens: gotta be quick
Behind Kelley'sLens: shooting back at the photogs
Behind Kelley'sLens: Miami skyline
Behind Kelley'sLens: walking away
Behind Kelley'sLens: reflected sunset
Behind Kelley'sLens: sunset stirred up the birds
Behind Kelley'sLens: missing the third
Behind Kelley'sLens: Boats across from Scotty's
Behind Kelley'sLens: awesome rainbow
Behind Kelley'sLens: inside Serendipity
Behind Kelley'sLens: love these girls!