* Beezy *: Happy Birthday LeLe! 我们的快乐小宝贝一岁啦!
* Beezy *: Happy Birthday LeLe! 我们的快乐小宝贝一岁啦!
* Beezy *: LeLe's Dog House Birthday Cake
* Beezy *: Let me eat my birthday cake!
* Beezy *: Tyson and his Boss
* Beezy *: Gromit & his Mommy
* Beezy *: You smell like cake, Auntie Sandra..Yum...
* Beezy *: The pampared pooch with her Humanz
* Beezy *: LeLe, the happy gal, is much loved!
* Beezy *: Wilbur & Tyson
* Beezy *: Wilbur: "Who ate the cake? It wasn't me"
* Beezy *: Wilbur: "Hey...what about me? I want some cake too!"
* Beezy *: I'm too sexy for my shirt
* Beezy *: Gromit
* Beezy *: Tyson: "Adore me...Adore me..."
* Beezy *: Tyson: "You see...all the ladies love me"
* Beezy *: Tyson, the Mr Popularity
* Beezy *: Tyson, the Mr Popularity
* Beezy *: Thank you to all the aunties and uncle, for coming to LeLe's birthday pawty and for the lovely pressie..
* Beezy *: Thank you to all the aunties and uncle, for coming to LeLe's birthday pawty and for the lovely pressie..
* Beezy *: Happy Gal!
* Beezy *: zzzZZZZZZZZ
* Beezy *: Thank you to all the aunties and uncle, for coming to LeLe's birthday pawty and for the lovely pressie..
* Beezy *: Wilbur