iced_lilly: Logan and Tori
iced_lilly: Tori and Logan drying
iced_lilly: India
iced_lilly: Gina~Marie Wearing clip on hair piece LOL
iced_lilly: Skye's new Hoodie!
iced_lilly: Gorgeous knit wear From ADG!
iced_lilly: So cute together!!
iced_lilly: Teddy time
iced_lilly: Good morning!~
iced_lilly: Timmy and Bibi
iced_lilly: Bed Time Babies
iced_lilly: 4# Timothy joins the family
iced_lilly: 3#Evie Gets her brother
iced_lilly: 2# Evie hears them scream SURPRISE
iced_lilly: 1# Some of my girls have a secret
iced_lilly: Little Miss Blue Ducky Beth
iced_lilly: Pretty blue eyed Beth in Blue
iced_lilly: The sun provides her spotlight
iced_lilly: Beth In her spot on the shelf
iced_lilly: My New Baby
iced_lilly: She loves Bunnies
iced_lilly: Portia gives the new bubba a hug
iced_lilly: Perfect on Portia
iced_lilly: Evie in Pink Ducky
iced_lilly: New additions (the dresses)
iced_lilly: Asha redressed
iced_lilly: Asha Shows off new Cardy set
iced_lilly: New Dresses
iced_lilly: Pretty new blue eyed girl