WilPosEch: The ingredients for an Ultra Violet Martini (other than the cranberry juice)
WilPosEch: IMG_3141
WilPosEch: Martini - light and shadow
WilPosEch: Mmmmartooni
WilPosEch: Drunken arms length photography
WilPosEch: Yeah not so much
WilPosEch: fffffttt people are stupid
WilPosEch: Over the head picture by Tom
WilPosEch: Just ignoring the stupid humans
WilPosEch: Dorks
WilPosEch: Umm.. interesting angle
WilPosEch: snuggled up tipsy fools
WilPosEch: Orange lips courtesy of popcycle
WilPosEch: I think Tom was trying to give me direction
WilPosEch: WINE!
WilPosEch: Pussy Galore Martini
WilPosEch: IMG_5988
WilPosEch: IMG_5987
WilPosEch: IMG_5982
WilPosEch: IMG_5980
WilPosEch: IMG_5979
WilPosEch: IMG_5978
WilPosEch: IMG_5977
WilPosEch: IMG_5971
WilPosEch: IMG_5970
WilPosEch: IMG_5991
WilPosEch: IMG_5989
WilPosEch: IMG_6003
WilPosEch: IMG_6002
WilPosEch: IMG_6001