Beetlestone: " There she is with the camera again!"
Beetlestone: Ahhh! This snow feels good!
Beetlestone: "What you looking at?"
Beetlestone: Junco welcoming the sun!
Beetlestone: Female Cardinal waiting her turn at the feeder
Beetlestone: Shiney Male Cardinal
Beetlestone: Isn't she lovely!
Beetlestone: " I think I'll sit here till spring! "
Beetlestone: " Wish she would stop taking my picture and clear this railing off!"
Beetlestone: " Is this the photo spot? "
Beetlestone: " Is it spring, yet! "
Beetlestone: Splash of Cardinal Red
Beetlestone: Cardinal Trio
Beetlestone: " Look no branches in your way! "
Beetlestone: Painted Cardinal
Beetlestone: Bluejay Fluff
Beetlestone: Bedhead Bluejay
Beetlestone: " Momma says to gargle first before I sing!"
Beetlestone: " Anyone have a bib I can borrow?"
Beetlestone: " Melts in your mouth but not on your feet!"
Beetlestone: " Snow covered seeds, YUM!"
Beetlestone: Winter Pilated Woodpecker
Beetlestone: Handsome Red-bellied Woodpecker
Beetlestone: Northern Flicker
Beetlestone: " I hid that seed around here somewhere! "
Beetlestone: Redtail Hawk
Beetlestone: Ducky pair