Beer Dave: Channel Tunnel scene from on up high
Beer Dave: Channel Tunnel interchange
Beer Dave: Cranes at Chatham Docks
Beer Dave: VIC56 Cargo Vessel at Chatham2
Beer Dave: Oberon Submarine at Chatham
Beer Dave: listening ear at Folkestone
Beer Dave: listening ear originally to be used to warn of impending German air attack in the early stages of World war two until superceeded by radar
Beer Dave: Roundway Tunnel on the A20 near Folkestone
Beer Dave: The Morning After in Folkestone
Beer Dave: 375811 leaves abbotscliffe tunnel on the way to Dover Priory
Beer Dave: Scania rig enters Roundway tunnel on the way to Dover Docks
Beer Dave: Leas Lift entrance
Beer Dave: The Leas Lift looking up
Beer Dave: Folkestone Harbour looks on
Beer Dave: Banner celebrating the Leas Lift centenary
Beer Dave: Leas Lift looking down
Beer Dave: Leas Lift Control cabin
Beer Dave: Tunnel
Beer Dave: High Street
Beer Dave: Night time in Cheriton
Beer Dave: Cheriton at Night in the Snow
Beer Dave: security pickup truck
Beer Dave: Ford transit on the corner of my road
Beer Dave: AA van
Beer Dave: Cheriton Bus Station
Beer Dave: John's Beer Chiller
Beer Dave: Weathercock at the Battle of Britain Memorial in Capel Kent
Beer Dave: carpentier lorry
Beer Dave: Seafrance ferry at Dover port awaiting turn to Calais
Beer Dave: Martello Tower