Beer Dave: 80151 Standard Class 4MT at Sheffied Park
Beer Dave: 80151 Class 4MT 2-6-4T at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 73082 Camelot Standard class 5MT undergoing restoration at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 34059 nameplate Sir Archibald Sinclair on the Bluebell Railway
Beer Dave: 34059 Sir Archibald Sinclair at Horsted Keynes
Beer Dave: 80151approaches Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 9017 Duke Dog at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 9017 Dukedog at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 9017 at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 34059 at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 1638 at Sheffiled Park1
Beer Dave: 1638 U Class on the Golden Arrow at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: 34059 rebuilt Battle of Britain class Sir Archibald Sinclair at Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: Crap cup of tea then - the driver of 80151 empties his mug
Beer Dave: B473 leaves Horstead Keynes
Beer Dave: BR Standard Class 9F no. 92240 at Horsted Keynes
Beer Dave: B473 leaves Horsted Keynes
Beer Dave: Horsted Keynes Lever Frame
Beer Dave: Horstead Keynes right hand of lever frame
Beer Dave: 1638 sandwiched between two carriage sets at Sheffield Park after 80151 failed
Beer Dave: Horsted Keynes Diagram
Beer Dave: Horsted Keynes diorama
Beer Dave: SR Breakvan with Brighton Terrier Stepney
Beer Dave: 92240 and 75027 B and W
Beer Dave: Southern Third class carriage
Beer Dave: SR no.850 at Horsted Keynes
Beer Dave: SECR no.178 and 34059 on shed
Beer Dave: 34059 on shed
Beer Dave: Sir Lamiel rolls into Sheffield Park
Beer Dave: Normandy Locomotive at Horsted Keynes