Decibel Dave: The Berlin Wall
Decibel Dave: The Luftwaffe building
Decibel Dave: Hitlers bunker site
Decibel Dave: The Reichstag & Brandenburg Gate
Decibel Dave: The Holocaust Memorial
Decibel Dave: Lakeside at Wannsee
Decibel Dave: The house at Wannsee
Decibel Dave: The front of the house at Wannsee
Decibel Dave: The front of the house at Wannsee
Decibel Dave: The Wannsee Conference Room
Decibel Dave: Plaque on the outside
Decibel Dave: Trabandt for hire?
Decibel Dave: Trabandts for hire
Decibel Dave: Museum at museum island
Decibel Dave: The Berliner Dom on museum island
Decibel Dave: The book burning square
Decibel Dave: Transport Ministry building
Decibel Dave: A Berlin Church
Decibel Dave: Checkpoint Charlie instructions