beentsy: Angry clouds that contain much water.
beentsy: Pretty good crowd considering the lightening and monsoon rains
beentsy: Lounge singer! So awesome.
beentsy: Freybe's cooker
beentsy: Freybe's cooker
beentsy: Smoke a Fat One
beentsy: Mad Cow Barbecue
beentsy: Mad Cow barbecue trailer
beentsy: First bit o' meat of the day - pulled pork
beentsy: Hello Men in Kilts!
beentsy: The Dog Whisperer
beentsy: The new library from - from in the train
beentsy: City centre
beentsy: Missed my train
beentsy: The new library - from under the train
beentsy: Out front of a neighbour's house...
beentsy: After
beentsy: Before
beentsy: Hello little roasted garlics
beentsy: Hmmmmm
beentsy: Unfortunate name
beentsy: My new cube farm
beentsy: Slug sexay season?
beentsy: Slug sexay season?
beentsy: Book Friday - now enhanced to include magazines!
beentsy: Friday book day - now with added heat and humidity!
beentsy: Anticipation!
beentsy: And I am sated. :)
beentsy: Gorgeous harvest moon lighting up the clouds.
beentsy: Gorgeous harvest moon lighting up the clouds.